March 2020
Vic Davis & Associates
It’s time already for month two in our quest to serve you better with our tidbits of information gleaned over the years of being in the “jobs market”. Obviously not every topic we author will be right for everyone, but we hope you will gain some little something that will help along the way.
Whether you’ve made your career a new year’s resolution, are starting a brand new job or just want the next 12 months to be the best they can be at work, aiming to be a better employee is always a good idea. Not only will it help you grow in your career, but it could also lead to a promotion, new experiences, and an overall happier life. Make those 40-plus hours per week count with these tips and tricks to becoming a top-notch employee.
1. Ask for more feedback
Feedback and communication is the key to improving yourself at work. If you aren’t already meeting with your boss or manager for a weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one meeting, schedule one. The 15 to 30 minutes you get along with them could be life-changing. You’ll be able to ask questions in confidence, as well as feedback for ways you can improve your workflow, communication style and more. Plus, these private meetings often lead to more candid conversations, so you might even learn more about the company and projects that you’re not a part of, which can help put things into context.
2. Organize your work life
If you’re not already using some form of to-do list (paper, in your phone, etc.) to manage your time and work, it may be a good idea you start. A cluttered workspace could lead to higher stress and lower productivity. Turn a new leaf this year and show your boss you’ve got it together. If things consistently are hard to find on or around your bench maybe it’s time to add a little organization to your day.
Lastly, believe it or not, being more organized at work can lead to a more balanced life. You’ll more easily navigate through your workday and finish more by closing time. You’re also be sending a message to the boss that you’ve got your work under control.
3. Come in early
Someone once said it’s a good idea to beat your boss to work. Regardless, if it’s possible it can be a good idea to get to work early so you can take your time getting yourself ready for the day ahead. Get your coffee, review your to-do list and start the day in the right mindset. It can be a quieter time with fewer distractions. Again, your boss might just see this behavior as a sign that you’re organized and in control of what you do. It can’t be all bad.
4. Give 110 percent at all times
Whatever it is you do — help put out the store, enter jobs in the computer, evaluate work and distribute jobs to others in the shop, maintain an active working bench, head up quality control, order shop supplies, etc., etc., give 110 percent. If you’re always smiling when you help put out the store, rarely if ever make a mistake on the computer, have a QC eye second to none or have fantastic bench skills you execute flawlessly, your boss will perhaps see that you are a valuable asset to the business. Valuable assets have greater job security and typically get more raises.
5. Take on a new responsibility
Once you’ve demonstrated to your boss that you’ve totally got your s@#t together, ask if there’s a new project or task that you can take on. If you’re not sure what that can be, take some time to think about what might need a little tweaking or what gap might need to be filled. If you look hard enough there’s always something that needs to get back on track. Maybe it’s something you can take off your boss’s hands which is even better. They will appreciate your initiative and desire to make things better.
6. Networking
Networking both in and out of the company is seriously important for your career. Always looking to grow your skills by asking and attending seminars and short courses shows you’re serious about your job and that you want to do that little extra to help the company. The out of company networking can allow you to meet a mentor who can guide and/or help with your skills and career in the future.
7. Stay Calm
Work can get stressful. Aim to be the employee that can stay cool as a cucumber in even the craziest of situations. Adopt a solution-based mindset and help solve the problem instead of idly sitting by as your co-workers and boss work to put out the fire. If you can be the calm and collected employee to help guide the situation in the right direction, you’ll easily make an impression on the boss. Problem-solve with a servant’s heart, and it will go a long way in moving your career forward.
8. Read More
Newspapers, online news articles, books, the list is endless on what we have available to read. Why is it important? Reading is fuel for your brain. Reading is information. A well-informed employee who can join conversations on current events, business-related topics, or just the news of the day is an employee who will always be able to make small talk with the boss, customers, and co-workers. Staying on top of what’s going on around you through reading shows you care and want to be informed.
9. Speak up
Whether it’s a new idea to make a process more efficient or you just want to give a well thought out opinion on a repair or custom piece, don’t be afraid to speak up in a positive and thoughtful manner. Of course there’s always a time and a place to do so, but in the right setting and in the right way, you could easily make a positive impression on your boss. Good impressions are important because they stay with people long after the workday has ended. However, always remember nobody likes a know-it-all!
10. Support Others
If a co-worker has a great idea that has seemed to fall on deaf ears, at the right time speak up and support them. It’s so important to support others in your shop and/or company. Your support for others will hopefully be reciprocated in support of your good ideas from those same co-workers. Regardless, you’ll show you’re a team player and can get behind great ideas that aren’t only your own.
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