April 2020
Vic Davis & Associates
What a difference a month makes. Thirty days ago we were working, children were going to school, we were going to church, concerts, sporting events, etc. Now for the time being life is much different. But, we will come out on the other side and be just fine. I truly feel we’ll get through this and be stronger in lots of ways including economically. The main point, please be smart and stay safe and healthy by hand washing and practicing social distancing.
We know. Writing a resume can seem like a daunting, unnecessary task. But, it’s a key component on giving an employer an understanding of who you are, what your experience is, and if done well, can create a great first impression.
There are a ton of resources out there to help, but sometimes that can seem overwhelming. Our advice is to keep it simple and clean. Here are our suggestions:
1. Make sure you have a typed resume from either Microsoft Word or Google Docs
I know that may seem obvious, but we have in fact had handwritten resumes sent to us in the past. Using Word or Docs makes it easier, since most employers will have what is needed to open those documents.
2. At the top include your name, address, phone number and email address
This is the most important information and it needs to be easily visible for the employer to be able to find and contact you.
3. Clearly list an objective
What are you searching for in a job or a career? What’s most important to you? What is your passion? This should just be 1-2 sentences that will help an employer understand more about you.
4. List your job history/experience chronologically
Employers need to know where you have worked before. List your past jobs starting with the most recent. The important info to have is:
- The name of the employer
- City/State of the employer
- Job Title that you held
- Years that you worked there (if you are still there just indicate the year you started to present)
- A few bullet points listing your responsibilities, accomplishments or things that you did in your role
5. List any education
We know there are a lot of jewelers that got their education in a shop instead of a school. But, maybe you took 1-2 courses somewhere. If you did, list them. And always list your high school and if you received a diploma.
6. Skills
We know you could probably fill a page with all the bench skills that you have. But, instead of listing everything, stick with the things that make you stand out from the rest. Do you have a ton of experience with a laser welder? List it. Master at setting Invisibles? List that too. Do you know how to run CAD? Definitely list it. These are the things that make you different than others competing for the job.
7. References
It’s always good to have at least 3 references. But our advice is to not include them directly on your resume, but instead type them out separately and only provide them when requested. These references should be those that could answer questions regarding your work ethic and abilities. They can be people you have worked for, worked with or partners in the industry that you have collaborated with. Simply list their name, phone and email, and their relationship to you.
8. Be honest
I know it is very tempting to leave out that one job where your boss was hard to deal with and maybe didn’t end so well. But, in the end, this is a small industry. There is a good chance that the person hiring at the job you are applying for knows someone who knows someone that knows that hard to deal with employer. It’s better just to be honest and straightforward than to have something come out in that way
And . . . that’s it. Done. Now you have the perfect resume to represent who you are.
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